If you are involve in selling EntreCard credits at eBay, you might want to ask yourself how much to price EntreCard credits, after all, everyone seems to have their own pricing system. That's is okay since the auctioning process is based on willing seller, will buyer.
What is not right is at time, your auction price is being undercut by someone else. Suppose your EntreCard credits of 5,000 ec with starting prices of $50.00 is listed first then 2 days later, another fellow list his EntreCard credits of 8,000 ec with starting prices of $40.00. Your item will be ignored and probably staled when the auction ended since all the buyers attention is at the other item. I think you'll get the picture.
So what is the fair price for EntreCard credits?
For me, my pricing starts with $2.00 for 1,000 ec. That's mean if I'm auctioning 4,000 ec, the starting price would be $8.00. On a good day, the selling price will be double when the auction ended.
Selling EntreCard credits for less $2.00 for 1,000 ec is way too low unless there is an oversupply of EntreCard credits item at eBay listing.
The owners of EntreCard is selling 1,000 ec for $9.50 (and 5,000 ec for $47.50) so even putting the price at $2.00 per 1,000 ec is consider cheap and attractive. Anything below that is spoiling the market prices of EntreCard in eBay.
If you have a better pricing system or what ever formula to determine the calculation of fair price for the EntreCard credits, please do comment .